
Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012


(Nomor 141 s.d. 180)

Untuk bagian ini, jawaban benar kurang dari 1/3 jumlah soal (kurang dari  14) berarti nilai mati

Part One : Reading Comprehension

Reading 1


            LAKEWOOD, N.J., Sept. 2 – There have been strange happenings in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Davis. A mysterious scratching, banging and bumping in the walls of their home has become so strong it has knocked down pictures and lamps.
            Investigators have torn the walls apart but have been unable to find the course of the sounds. They are also trying to find out if troublemakers have been at work.
            We first heard the sounds six weeks ago, said Mrs. Davis. For the next two weeks, the sounds happened regularly – every evening from 9:30 to 11:00.
            Little patches, said, began to appear on the living room and bedroom walls. Then the sounds changed and became irregular. Now, she said, the noises start at 8 A.M. and continue on and off till midnight.

Based on Reading 1, answer the questions no. 141 – 144.

1.      Another title that would best explain the main idea of this story is ____
2.      The cause of the mysterious scratching ang banging is ­­­____.
A.    litle patches
B.    troublemakers
C.   not known
D.   Mrs. Davis

3.      The sounds _____.
A.    do not happen in a regular way
B.    were first heard two weeks ago
C.   always happened in a regular way
D.   now start at 9:30 P.M.

4.      The event told about in this story.
A.    never happened
B.    happened before September 2
C.   happened after September 2
D.   happened before and after September 2

Reading 2

            A curfew is a specific type of law instituted by those in power. It is one that requires citizens to be off the streets and out of pubic places at specified hours.
            There are active curfew laws in some cmmunities in the United States today; these laws are currently functioning. The existing curfew laws generally refer to minors. These laws usually indicate the hour when the children must be off the streets and out of public unless they are with their parents.
            Curfew laws have a long tradition. William of Normandy introduced the custom to the British Isles after his invasion there in 1066. At curfew time, a bell was rung. The pealing of the bell indicated that citizens should extinguish any burning fires and clear the streets for the night. The word curfew actually developed at this time from the Norman French expression couvre-feu or cover the fire.

Based on Reading 2, answer the questions no. 145 – 149.

5.      Curfew is a specific kind of ....
A.    government layer
B.    government regulation
C.   public administrator
D.   official building

6.      The word active in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ....
A.    physical
B.    healthy
C.   operative
D.   dormant

7.      The word minors in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by .....
A.    children
B.    communities
C.   public
D.   citizens

8.      Look at the word pealing in paragraph 3. This word is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A.    Ringing
B.    Uncovering
C.   Breaking
D.   Burning

9.      citizens should extinguish any burning fires. (paragraph 3)
A.    put in
B.    put on
C.   put off
D.   put out

Reading 3
            The game of golf is not a young game. This game, which has traditionally been credited as a Scottish creation, has been around for hundreds of years. Its long existence can definetly be verified through a check of centuries-old legal documents.
            Golf has definetly been around since at least the fifteenth century. This can be verified from a legal edict issued at the time. In 1457, near the end of the rule of King James II, the Scottish Parliament issued a decree outlawing the playing of golf. The reason was that golf was believed to be a waste of time. There was concern that citizens would be spending time on the useless sport of golf rather than spending time on more practical skills such as archery, fencing, and jousting. Archery, fencing, and jousting were, after all, considerably more useful in the defense of the country than golf.

Based on Reading 3, answer the questions no. 150 – 154.

10.   The main idea of this passage is that ....
A.    golf is one of the most popular Scottish games
B.    many different games were played in the fifteenth century
C.   golf’s long history can be verified
D.   golf can be played by both young and old

11.   According to the passage, we know that golf has been around for hundreds of years because....
A.    the Scottish Parliament has declared to be true
B.    it appears in some official papers
C.   old golf clubs have been found
D.   there are many traditional stories about golf

12.   According to the passage, how long has golf been around?
A.    For more than 500 years
B.    For at least 1500 years
C.   Since the first century
D.   Only since 1500

13.   When did King James I most likely rule?
A.    1457 to 1477
B.    1437 to 1450
C.   1437 to 1460
D.   1450 to 1470

14.   What was the purpose of the decree issued in 1457?
A.    to make golf illegal
B.    to encourage the playing of golf
C.   to outlaw the Scottish Parliament
D.   to establish the rule of King James II

Part Two : Vocabulary and Idiom

Select the correct answer from the four choices given

15.   A___is the highest point of something.
A.    crust
B.    peak
C.   ditch
D.   slope

16.   Bricks are commonly made of____.
A.    clay
B.    wax
C.   timber
D.   cord

17.   He was fined for driving with a/an ____license.
A.    void
B.    expired
C.   terminated
D.   out-of-date

18.   Please check your friend’s telephone number in the ____.
A.    encyclopedia
B.    register
C.   directory
D.   dictionary

19.   I am ______to pass this examination.
A.    determined
B.    willing
C.   stubborn
D.   resolute

20.   Do you believe in the ______of good and evil spirits?
A.    occurance
B.    existence
C.   reality
D.   incidence

21.   It is not polite to break in on a conversation.
A.    interrupt
B.    withdraw from
C.   seize
D.   regard

22.   Did your father get retirement benefit when he retired?
A.    pension
B.    subsidy
C.   patent
D.   bargain

23.   His hobby is collecting stamps from all over the world.
A.    career
B.    pastime
C.   business
D.   vocation

24.   It is believed that the spirit is ___.
A.    inmoral
B.    imperishable
C.   immortal
D.   immoral

Part Three : Structure

Select the correct answer from the four choices given

25.   We should have the results of your blood test within a few days; _____, I’m going to start you on a preliminary treatment program.
A.    meanwhile
B.    however
C.   otherwise
D.   therefore

26.   Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (STAN) ____as one of the best colleges in Indonesia.
A.    is regarded
B.    regarded
C.   regards
D.   regarding

27.   He went by bus, but he ____by car.
A.    might of gone
B.    should gone
C.   could have gone
D.   ought have gone

28.   Rani seems very mature for a _____.
A.    twenty-year-old girl
B.    girl with twenty years
C.   girl of twenty year
D.   twenty-years-old girl

29.   The more I think about philosophy, _____.
A.    the less I understand it
B.    I like it less
C.   better I like it
D.   it likes better

30.   Indonesian ____soup with rice.
A.    accustomed to eat
B.    are accustomed to eating
C.   have the custom to eat
D.   are customing in drinking

31.   Your dress, ____, seems very strange for the party.
A.    as hers
B.    like hers
C.   similar as hers
D.   different than hers

32.   Faiz almost never eat at home, ____?
A.    did he
B.    would he
C.   had she
D.   didn’t she

33.   After Michael failed the first math test, he thought he ____the course.
A.    will
B.    is going to
C.   failed
D.   was going to

34.   Tony is going return to Aceh as soon as he ____is university diploma’s degree.
A.    gets
B.    will get
C.   would get
D.   got

35.   Mom and Dad just left for the airport twenty minutes ago, so they ____there yet.
A.    can’t have gotten
B.    shouldn’t have gotten
C.   had better have gotten
D.   could have gotten

36.   All students ____report to examination hall in July 30th for the final exam.
A.    might
B.    need
C.   could
D.   are to

37.   Since the company doesn’t charge a late fee until after the sixteenth, you ____pay until a day or two before that.
A.    shouldn’t
B.    must’n
C.   needn’t
D.   can’t

38.   Jonathan’s _____daughter has been selected Student of the year.
A.    beautiful twelve-year-old
B.    beautiful twelve-years-old
C.   beautiful twelve-year-olds
D.   beautifully twelve-years-old

39.   ____taking over the leadership of this project is what made it succeed.
A.    Her
B.    She
C.   She is
D.   Her having

40.   Lisa seems _____the point you were making.
A.    having misunderstood
B.    to have misunderstood
C.   misunderstood
D.   misunderstanding

1.         D
       Kalimat pertama paragraf pertama
2.         C
       Kalimat pertama paragraf kedua
3.         A
       Kalimat kedua paragraf tiga
4.         B
       Cukup jelas
5.         B
       Kalimat pertama paragraf pertama
6.         C
       Cukup jelas
7.         A
       Minors = belum dewasa
8.         A
       Pealing = bunyi
9.         D
       Extinguish = padam
10.      C
       Kalimat ketiga paragraf pertama
11.      D
       Kalimat dua paragraf pertama
12.      A
       Dari abad lima belas hingga sekarang
13.      C
       Cukup jelas
14.      A
       Outlawing = illegal
15.      B
       Crust = kerak, peak = puncak, ditch = parit, slope = lereng
16.      A
       Bricks = batu bata, clay = tanah liat
17.      A
       Void = tidak berlaku lagi,
       expired = daluarsa, terminated = berakhir, out-of-date = tidak terpakai lagi
18.      C
       Encyclopedia = ensiklopedi
       Register = buku, daftar
       Directory = buku telepon
       Dictionary = kamus
19.      A
       Determined = bertekad, willing = mau,
       Stubborn = keras kepala, resolute = pasti
20.      B
       Occurance = peristiwa, Existence = adanya, reality = realitas, Incidence = timbulnya
21.      A
       Interupt = = menyela
22.      A
       Cukup jelas
23.      B
       Career = karir, pastime = hiburan,
       Business = usaha, vocation = lapangan pekerjaan
24.      C
       Cukup jelas
25.      C
       Meanwhile = sementara itu, however = namun demikian, otherwise = kalau tidak, therefore = oleh karenanya
26.      A
       Passive voice
27.      C
       Could have V3 = sebenarnya bisa terjadi pada waktu lampau
28.      D
       Cukup jelas
29.      A
       Kesesuaian antara kalimat 1 dengan kalimat berikutnya
30.      C
       Cukup jelas
31.      A
       Cukup jelas
32.      B
       Never dianggap negatif, maka tag-nya harus dalam positif
33.      D
       Cukup jelas
34.      A
       Cukup jelas
35.      B
       ’just’ menginginkan mereka belum sampai. Namun ternyata sudah sampai
36.      D
       Bisa berarti akan
37.      A
       Cukup jelas
38.      B
       Cukup jelas
39.      B
       ’active partiviple’ dapat menggantikan adjective clause (dalam pola relative)
40.      D
            Seem diikuti oleh ’to infinitive’

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